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Question:how is the easiest way to play guitar?
I want to learn....sooo bad!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: how is the easiest way to play guitar?
I want to learn....sooo bad!!

There is no easiest way. It's called dedication, love of the instrument, and practice.

As a beginner, the only good way is to get lessons from a good teacher.

Either go to the best music store in your town--the one that sells and services a full range of band, orchestral, and keyboard instruments as well as guitars--and get in with their teacher, or go to a nearby college that offers a major in guitar and advertise for lessons on a bulletin board in their music department (probably cheapest!).

Beginners make mistakes. If a teacher isn't there to notice and correct the mistake, the beginner usually keeps making it--and it turns into a bad habit. At best, a bad habit can slow you down when you start to master the instrument; at worst, it causes a repetitive motion injury and you wind up like my old friend, a self-taught guitarist who had both wrists operated on for carpal tunnel last summer.

After about a dozen lessons, you will have the right finger and wrist position. Then you can keep up the lessons if you want, or you can go to ebay or a half-priced book seller and buy books, cds, and dvds for cheap. The teacher would get you there a little quicker, but the media approach is cheaper.

you should get a teacher; ask a friend if you dont want to spend the money..
there are books that teach you but they are hard to understand and can be overwhelming if you dont read music...
it also depends on wat kind of guitar and how you want to play....acoustic or electric or bass and if u wanna learn fingerpicking or just chords.....
go for it
good luck
email me if you ever need help with music id love to help

Are you looking to play classical? acoustic folk/oldies/etc.? electric? bass?

You'll need a teacher. There's really no way around it.

The rest of the styles you can at least start learning yourself, hopefully with some coaching from a friend. My guitar skills are at the "accompanying camp fire songs" level and I've had some group classes recently, but I started out teaching myself on my mom's guitar. She would look at what I was doing and give suggestions.

My brother plays electric guitar (and also my acoustic) and he has never taken a lesson in his life. He's amazing to listen to. He gets all of his TAB music online and will improvise ridiculously fancy stuff.

It really depends on how much of a knack your already have for music, what your ultimate goal is, and what your free resources are around you. Are you wanting to turn pro? Or just have some fun learning? Lessons can be good, but guitar is one instrument where a lot of people find it possible to experiment themselves. There are even some of those "Do It Yourself" videos and books that you can buy. Head over to your local music store and ask the people there what they think would be best for you. They'll have the supplies and the resources that you'll need.

Good luck!