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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Most beautiful sounding stringed instrument?

Question:whats everyones opinions?
Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: whats everyones opinions?
Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass?
I personally prefer the cello. I prefer the deeper, richer, more mellow tones of the cello and think that it's more expressive than say, a violin. It doesn't grate on the ears when playing in the higher range and you don't have to strain to hear when playing in the lower range. Harps are beautiful but I just don't hear the expression I do with a well-played cello.
I would say the harp.
Piano and harp. Many, many colors.

Of the viols you mentioned, my favorite is cello.
Honestly I believe all the string instruments have certain characteristics that make them all beautiful. The harp can be a wonderful instrument to listen (the tone is "heavenly" I guess), but the violin, viola, cello, as well as the bass all have a more organic and personal sound to me. (they say the violin is the instrument closest to the human voice)

All the orchestral string instruments have the ability to sound in all types of ways, depending on the whim of the player (the amount of expression a player puts into a work is what I believe to be the most important thing to an instrument's sound.) listen to different works (concerto's, sonatas, unaccompanied works) and really you come to find that the string insturments are remarkably versatile in sound)
I play classical you know I'm going to say that first, but to me violin and cello are very close....I love them both...and wish that I could learn them all....I like the harp, but not as well as the cello, violin, and guitar....and the cello or violin would cause me to be in awe way before the harp !!!!! My apologies to your sister but that's the way I feel !!!!!
Of the four instruments listed I'd vote for the violin. Overall, my favorites are the mandolin and acoustic guitar--when played well.
Very subjective question. Everyone has a favorite. Or maybe they're like me and like them all. For me, what's really important is how they function in a given piece of music. I play guitar (jazz and classical) and violin.