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Is the Suzuki Method better or worse than traditional lessons in the long term?

My daughter wants to learn violin, and I've heard arguments for and against Suzuki - in my own experience, some players who learned with Suzuki have trouble with sightreading as they advance to more difficult music.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am a certified Suzuki instructor and I love Suzuki! I do however agree with most teachers that the more advanced the student, the better it is to go back to a more traditional approach to learning. Suzuki is best for beginning and young students because there is alot of group and shared learning experiences. It also requires the parent to be very involved, making the student, teacher, and parent one team. However, I do not agree that Suzuki limits a students sightreading abilities. All of my students can read music fairly well by the time they finish Book 1. Just do your research and make sure if you decide to go with Suzuki you find a teacher that offers group lessons and incorporates music theory/sight reading in lessons. Also, make sure they are registered. Good luck!