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What would be a suitable audition monologue for me?

Hi guys. Im an 18 year old African American female. I'll be auditioning for a play pretty soon. I've looked around, but can't seem to find an audition monologue suitable for someone of my type. I need to prepare a ONE MINUTE monologue. Does anyone have any suggestions. I've looked through many books, so if you have any suggestions, please list a particular piece. Also, give specifics on movements and gestures that would go along with the piece. I've never auditioned before, but I want my first audition to be successful. Thanks guys!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: the "desiderata" would be good. Written in 1927 by Max Ehrman it is a brief set of ideas of how to live life to the fullest....It would take around a minute to recite. Good Luck