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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Does anyone have any ideas on how to re-guide or change the mind of someone from


Does anyone have any ideas on how to re-guide or change the mind of someone from switching music instruments?

ok so iam in band and i am an oboe player, i love playing and will most likely take it to college with me(been playing for almost 4 years). however there is this flute player who has heard me play and she all of the sudden wants to take up the oboe i know this may sound territorial but this is going to cause major problems, her family has money and they can afford the best of the best at the beginning of the year i bought a loree oboe(a major shift-(major investment) will she be able to catch up since she already knows how to read music? all she has to do is learn the oboe. help!!!! is there any way i could stop her, any ideas?????????????????????????...

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7 months ago
ok so i actually have 3 more years id have to deal with her thats why iam worried and iam really worried about her hurting my future scholarship chances

7 months ago
i dont think i should resort to out right telling her i dont want her to play it because i normally get along well with her and dont want to make the situation akward between us becuase i have another full three years of band w/ her

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 7 months ago
ok so i actually have 3 more years id have to deal with her thats why iam worried and iam really worried about her hurting my future scholarship chances