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Know any good kids magic??

My 6 year old got a magic set for christmas. I have looked on the web but not found anything obvious. Anyone out there know any simple tricks using easy to get hold of objects, which she would be able to perform. She really enjoys magic but the sets are a bit expensive and most are too in depth. Alternatively are there any web sites which show easy tricks without having to pay for the product?Thanks in anticipation....

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: How about: or

Try and see if you like anything they are both free tricks sites with lots of simple tricks.

On ultimate magic just go to magic library (scroll down a bit if necessary) and choose the kind of magic you want.
For magic hat you just need to answer a few questions and sing up for a newsletter and you can get any trick up to access level, if you want more acess levels you must take a long process of forum conversations.