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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Did I mess up all chances of getting what I want!!?


Did I mess up all chances of getting what I want!!?

thus far I've gotten mostly D's in school...when i was in grade school I got B's and C's.....and I'm wanting to make it to a good Fine Arts college (if i even decide to actually go)..for a while I Thought I didn't want to go to college, so just half-asss my way through and I'll be good...but now I think I might want to go to college....I've got 2 and a half years of school left..... and I'm REALLY scared....I know I messed up with grades.....but I've been involved in EVERY school play, acting, or tech crew.....and I'm a make up artist (for the stage) and I've got a LOT of raw talent.....

My strongest skills are (in this order)
Makeup(a tie with makeup is writing plays and what not)
Dancing(not so much any more but i learn fast)
Paniting/drawing sets

So I guess the question is....are there ANY colleges that will take someone with SOOOOO much passion and talent.....even if they have horrible grades....and if so...WHAT SCHOOLS?!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Wow, you seem pretty talented and I think that you should really try doing to a Fine Arts school.

Since you are only a sophomore in hs, I think that you'll be fine. You still have plenty of opportunities. 2nd semester sophomore and junior year is your most important year. Just work your butt off and raise your grades! Even if you have a lot of passion and potential, many schools may still not accept you because of your grades. I recommend that you just study harder and get better grades and continue doing what you love. Don't worry too much.