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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Can singing harmony be learned, or is it a natural talent, or is it only acquire


Can singing harmony be learned, or is it a natural talent, or is it only acquired after much practice?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It can absolutely be learned. There is a certain amount of natural talent, or "aptitude," that each person is born with, but with proper instruction, the aptitude can be increased. There is a lot of scientific evidence to suggest that aptitude can be increased up to approximately age nine. This is based on the research of Edwin Gordon, a researcher in the field of music education. The website of his non-profit organization can be found at

Practice will certainly help anybody learn to sing harmony parts, although depending upon their aptitude, each person will learn the parts at different rates.

On a more personal note, I was told at a young age that I was tone deaf (which, now, science has proved does NOT exist- it's nothing like colorblindedness, which was thought in the past). I was told not to pursue a musical instrument in elementary school, and I did not listen- I went on to get my bachelor's degrees in music theory and flute performance, and my master's degree in music education.

Anybody can be taught, they just need to be taught the right way.