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My friend gets stage fright i need help?

she gets nervous in front of everyone. (this is for like a musical thing for the school) and when she gets in front of everyone she jsut freezes like when its just her singin. So like how can she stop being nervous and gettin stage fright? can u give me tips on how to get her to stop being nervous and all that? please help

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The most important thing in overcoming stage fright is to allow yourself to make mistakes As soon as you aren't worried about 'how it comes out', your body physically relaxes and you're able to get into the character of the piece. The funny thing is, when you relax like this, you usually don't make any mistakes, because bad sounds/forgetting words happens when your muscles are tense.

So, just go up and say, OK, Here I GO! Whatever happens is how it is today, and I can always improve and sing another song tomorrow.

Another thing to try, (If the last thing just seems impossible) is to pretend you are someone else just before you get up on stage. Imagine a person /character who might be singing this song in a movie or play, and be that person up on stage. Again, this takes the pressure off.

Remember - a musical performance does not determine who you are on the inside. We all have good and bad musical days. Don't beat yourself up if things aren't like you imagined.