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How can i start learning to sing and dance?

I'm 9 years old and i love to sing and dance, problem is NO ONE will give me an honesst answer, i love sing and dance so i need some classes close to DC.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey there! I'm happy to see someone young interested in Music!
The fastest way to get involved in singing would be to join the choir at your school or church. You may also be able to join the band at your age, or possibly next year. That is another way to deepen your understanding of music. (Which will make you a better performer in the long run!)

As far as the dancing, you can usually find dance studios in any town, just look in the yellow pages. They cost a bit of money, and often times your local city parks and recreation department will offer classes for kids.

Another place to call is a local community theater. Many have children's programs, and even if they don't, they could give you the names of other people in the area who can help.

Remember - in your search for fame, be careful! Always have your parents help you and never go to anyone's house for 'lessons' by yourself, unless your parents have checked it out first.

Whereever you start, you will be being trained. Remember, you arejust learning, and you may have to replace some habits you've taught yourself with the tricks the pros use. Take everything your teachers say and do your best to practice until you've got it figured out. Before you know it, you'll be performing! Good Luck!