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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How can a 12 year old girl find a way to make money?other than making purses fo


How can a 12 year old girl find a way to make money?other than making purses for 5 dollars a piece.?

by the way nothing to gross. i like working w/ crafts, animals,and kids from 1-5.oh something i can do after school not just on weekends.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Pet sitting! Charge $20 a week to come once a day and walk the dog, feed him, clean up his poop, and spend a little time playing with the poochie. Guilty pet-owners like me who work all day would LOVE to have someone reliable come let their dog out during the day. Most professional pet-sitters and doggie daycare places charge $15-$20 per *day*, so you'll be the most affordable option in town. Good luck!