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Does anyone know?

The soflege (idk how to spell it) for chromatic scales?
You know, like the do re mi except its got all thos half steps?
Thanx so much for your help!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: This is a simple answer. If you have a keyboard, start by playing the lowest note that you are comfortable singing (C =Do for some but it is not a necessity. Do can be any note you assign in the key that you are singing in) and just go up the scale chromatically. Do not leave out any notes as you move up the scale. Actual Chromatic solfege is not often used but can be sung thusly:
Do Di Re Ri Mi Fa Fi Sol Si La Li Ti Do going up in sharps and;
Do Ti Te La Le Sol Se Fa Mi M㩠Re Ra Do going down in flats.