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What is the point of music during Cirque du Soleil?

I have to write a paper about what the music does for Cirque du Soleil, but I've ran out of ideas. I just want some ideas, not a full fledged explination on why.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Oh, my God! Have you ever seen a Cirque du Soleil show? They're absolutely amazing, but the shows would be nothing without the music. One thing that makes it so amazing is that the music is performed live - the instrumentals and the singing. It's so mindblowing. Could you imagine a Cirque du Soleil show without music? It would be so boring. Watching acrobatics and other stunts in near-silence. That would suck. Also, another thing - the fact that the songs are in French makes it that much more intersting and amazing. To hear such beautiful music sung in another beautiful language. It is kind of hard to explain just what the music does for the show. I think one has to see a live performance themselves to understand it, really. If you haven't seen a Cirque du Soleil show, though, you should. I saw my first show about two years ago when I was 18. I had no clue what to expect and actually assumed it might be kind of lame. But it was literally one of the most incredible things I've seen in my life. I saw Cirque du Soleil: La Nouba at Walt Disney World and go see it every summer, now. It's awesome. You should check out Yahoo! Videos or YouTube if you'd like to see some clips from the shows. Maybe it would help you to answer your question better to see it for yourself.

Did your teacher show your class one of the performances?