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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How is Korg Triton Studio (61 key) better then Korg Triton Extreme (61 key also)


How is Korg Triton Studio (61 key) better then Korg Triton Extreme (61 key also) ?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The Korg Triton Studio has older sounds then the extreme. I am pretty sure it also doesn't have a valve, which is said to add almost an analog esque warmth to the sound. There aren't many differences other than that. Just the Extreme was created after the studio and as far as I can remember it weighs a bit less Extreme 14 kg, studio 17kg.

The extreme also has usb support and you can get the Karma software for it.

Other then that its just that the extreme has more sounds and effects

So all in all, the Extreme is better but either instrument would be awesome to own