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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What is the professional name for the little rubber part in in front of the spit


What is the professional name for the little rubber part in in front of the spit valve of the trumpet.?

The little part that is in front of the trumpet that keeps the spit in fell out of my trumpet and my pitch has a lot of air in it.
I need the profressional name for that part so I could ask for it at the store or order it.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I love the long winded answer by the person before me that doesn't answer the question.

I don't know if there is a professional name for it. It's called a gasket, cork or a seal for a spit valve. You can probably go to any music store, or contact the manufacturer and get a new one. I think they are standard sized, but go in with the Brand and model of your trumpet and it should cost only a buck or two to replace it.

In the mean time, you can fix it by taking a felt and cutting it down to size to take away the airiness.