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Talent show coming 14...and i need something thats cute funny and ORIGINAL for a group!HELP ME PLEASE

please help! again im 14..and im in middle school...i need something really fresh,cute, or maybe even would be cool...i was thinking of dressing up like gangsters and dancing with my friends to rap music???...but i really dont!anythin... will help really!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hi Victoria, well, I personally think the gangster/rap idea is not very original. Dancing and music is a great start. Depending on what you are doing this for, I was going to suggest a skit that you can mostly make up and you'll need about 7 people for. You create a docter's office, and a man comes in to see the docter. He sits in a chair after seeing the receptionist and waits. After that other people come and go with various ailments. For example, next a person with a cold walks in. The title of this skit is the hypochondriach, a person who does or 'gets' whatever the people he sees have. So, if a person with cold walks in, he starts coughing and sneezing. When that peson walks out, a new person with a different ailment walks in. We had a funny one where where an insane guy thought he saw spiders on everything and was whacking all sorts of stuff with a newspaper to 'kill' the 'spiders', so the hypochondriach man ended up wacking an old lady who felt dizzy and had just come in because she had a spider on her. It ends with a pregnant lady coming in. Finally this man is just sick of all these 'ailments', so he's hanging his head in his hands, and then all of a sudden he looks up to see a very pregnant and in labor woman sitting next to him. He jumps up and runs out screaming. My youth group did this one year - especially with the right audience, its hilarious.