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I need lyrics to an old musical?

The full title of it is - It's getting late (for planet earth)
Song in particular - The lamb's holy feast

Producer was Ralph Carmichael and it was first played around 1972.
there is an LP available, but little other information and all I really want is the lyrics to that one song

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You have the title slightly wrong:

a group called The Continentals recorded it in 72
1972 It's Getting Late (For The Great Planet Earth) A Folk-Rock Oratorio based on the end times and The Second Coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ...

1. Theme-It's Getting Late....
2. This Generation....Step Up
3. Sit Down....
4. Super Church....
5. Canticle For Brothers Apart....
6. Fugue Of Nations....
7. Six, Six, Six
8. I Wish You'd All Believe....
9. War Song....
10. He That Overcomes....
11. Hosanna Hallelujah....
12. The Lamb's Holy Feast....
13. Celebrate!....
14. It's Getting Late pic of the album. I vaguely remember this from high school, some friend had it.