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How do you find a good vocal/singing teacher?

I want singing lessons. I was watching "American Idol" and one of the bad contestants said they were trained for 10 years in singing. The last thing I want is to spend a boat load on lessons just to suck! So, how can U tell if a teacher is a good teacher? How can you check to see if they're certified? (I know it's should be hanging up some place, but what if it's not?) Are there somethings that I should look out for when searching for a teacher? (i.e: scams, habits of a bad teacher...). What type of vocal training do U recommend classical, pop, rock, r&b, or anthing else? Are there any teachers in PA, NJ, or DE you'd recommend? Any other helpful hints or tips you'd like to add or more than welcome!

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6 months ago
Tuyo...your link is cut off by "..."

And...I don't like singing in public cause I dont' like my voice. I'm hoping to get rid of this by getting private singing lessons. That, among a few other things, is the reason why I am getting lessons.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 6 months ago
Tuyo...your link is cut off by "..."

And...I don't like singing in public cause I dont' like my voice. I'm hoping to get rid of this by getting private singing lessons. That, among a few other things, is the reason why I am getting lessons.