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Help! Higher Range?

Hey my name is paula and I'm 18 years old. And Well I've just started to take voice lessons. In fact i have one tonight. My voice teacher wants me to sing a High B. I could sing a High G. Is there any way to increase my range so I would be able to sing that high. I think it has something to do with scales, and I know that it will take a lot of work out of my part to sing that high. Thanks for all the help and I would apperiate any suggestion or tip. Thank you!


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: There is an exercise called the lip whistle. Purse your lips together and blow, sort of like a kid making motorboat noises (pppp) while making a tone in your throat. When you can do this well, go up and down the scale while doing it, and keep going higher and higher. You can go higher than you can usually sing, but after awhile, you will be able to sing that high.