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I need free, printable sheet music (urgent)?

I got help picking my song for my audition, but now i need the sheet music and i need it fast! Does anyone have any websites for free sheet music that you can print. I need either Summertime by Gershwin (I believe) or Father can you hear me (From diary of a mad black woman) by Tamara Mann. Please help.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If you're able to find these, and they're actually free, then they're illegal copies. Neither of these songs have reached the public domain yet. Gershwin's music won't enter the public domain until July 11, 2007.

Sheet music for a single song costs anywhere from $2.50- $5, usually. Are you in a choir, that the director might have a copy of it for you to borrow? Do you know anyone who sings or plays an instrument, who might have a copy? If not, I would go to your local music store and pick up a copy ASAP.

Good luck.