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Position:Home>Performing Arts> For those that have the influence or connections please read( details) and answe


For those that have the influence or connections please read( details) and answer,.?

I have developed an entertainment concept that will absolutely revolutionize the delivery and enjoyment of entertainment media. This would entail spending the amont it costs to produce one high budget motion picture, but have people lining up to pay $2-5000.00 each for the chance to enjoy. This truly is the goose that lays the golden egg for the people who help me develop. I am a working class guy with an innovative idea and no knowledge of how to contact those who could make it a reality. Please refrain from answering if you equally have no real ideas about how to make the required connections

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I've got some connections!


You might want to register your idea with and or patent it.

Also before we talk you might want to send me a nondisclosure agreement.

I look forward to talking with you!