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Position:Home>History> In the Enlightenment of Europe, who were the philosophes and what did they advoc

Question: In the Enlightenment of Europe, who were the philosophes and what did they advocate!?
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Here are some of the most important, but there are many more!. For quick information, you should check Wikipedia, they have some thorough articles about philosophy!.

John Locke: English philosopher "government with the consent of the governed"!.

Voltaire: French philosopher/writer who criticized Catholic Church and advocated tolerance!.

Montesquieu: French political thinker who promoted separation of state powers into executive, legislative and judicial!.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Swiss philosopher/writer famous for his social contract and state of nature!.

Diderot and d’Alembert: French philosophers who namely co-edited L’Encyclopédie, a general encyclopedia that intended to comprise all of human knowledge!.

Immanuel Kant: German philosopher and one of the most influential thinkers of modern times!.Www@QuestionHome@Com