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Position:Home>History> Why did the Nazi's persecute: Jews, Gypsies, Homosexuals, and Disabled peopl

Question: Why did the Nazi's persecute: Jews, Gypsies, Homosexuals, and Disabled people, during WWII !?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
When you believe that you, and those like you, are superior to everyone else, it allows you to classify everyone else as sub-human and therefore nothing that you do to them is considered, in your own mind, as inhumane!.

The people that the Nazi's persecuted before and during WW2 were not of the Greater Germanic Culture envisioned by Hitler and thus were either going to be treated as slave labor or killed off paving the way for TRUE Germans to have more living room and becoming THE power in the world!.


What does the Torah say about homosexuality:

You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a woman; it is a to'evah" (Leviticus 18:22)

Anyway many Nazi"s themselves are gay just look at J?rg Haider who was gay!. also many religious people who hate gay people are gay just like Ted Haggard or Larry Craig!.

Oh and like gypsies themselves are perfect people!? I heard that Silvio Berlusconi who is a friend of Bush hates gypsies!.

They hate Disabled people because they went by the philosophy only strong survive!.

Maybe they were paranoid about jews because of communism!?


"The region was established in 1934!. It was the result of Joseph Stalin's nationality policy, which allowed for the Jewish population of the Soviet Union to receive a territory in which to pursue Yiddish cultural heritage within a socialist framework"


The Nazis believed in ethnic cleansing at its most brutal!.
They wanted to raise Aryan (blond) non-Jewish strong children because it was believed they represented the purest lines of German heritage and fitted into the Nazi ideology of a superior race of Germans!.
Anyone not meeting their utopian(!?) or should I say bizarre idea of a perfect German race be they sick, disabled, homosexual, Jewish was not fitting into the mold of Aryan German and would need to be "eliminated"!.!.

Hitler believed that the German race which he called Aryan were far superior than any other!. Jews, Gypsies, Homosexuals and disabled people were considered to be a sub race!. Which should be got rid of!. Www@QuestionHome@Com