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Question: Medieval !.!.!.!.!. Help!?!?!!!?
In Medieval Europe, Cycle Plays were:
A!. a collection of all plays written throughout the church year
B!. plays that dealt with the cycle of life, from birth to death
C!. plays that dealt with the cycles of the moon and the harvesting seasons
D!.plays that presented the whole history of man from creation to the last judgment

please help :] only answer if you're positive because it's like 5 points each question!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

For example:

The York Mystery Plays are an English cycle of forty-eight mystery plays, or pageants, which cover sacred history from the creation to the Last Judgement!.

The cycle of plays comprise some 48 pageants, which were originally presented upon carts and wagons, dressed for the occasion!. In some accounts, there are as many as 56 pageants!. They told stories from both the Old and New Testaments, from the Creation to the Last Judgement!.



"The cycle play developed, in some places, into a series of plays dealing with all the major events in the Christian calendar, from the Creation to the Day of Judgment!."

Quote from "Medieval ages & the Renaissance" by R!.J!. Helmingston page 63, paragraph 4 (book)Www@QuestionHome@Com
