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Position:Home>History> I got a couple questions about the ottoman empire(1450-1750)?

Question: I got a couple questions about the ottoman empire(1450-1750)!?
1!. How was it established!?

2!.How did the empire deal with different languages, rituals, religions, customs, and beliefs in the empire!?

3!.How were are conquered people treated

4!.How much importance was placed on the military!?Who served in the army!?what military technology did they have!?

5!.What system of communication did they have!?

6!. are there written laws!.

7!. how did they pass power from ruler to ruler!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. Osman established his own empire in Anatolia free of the sultanate using religious warriors!.

2!. The Ottomans allowed different cultural groups to live as dhimmi, protected communities, that had their own courts, churches, and laws!.

3!. The Ottomans treated conquered people with tolerance; conquered people paid the jizya, a tax for not being a Muslim, so the Ottomans were happy with non-Muslim communities!.

4!. A heavy importance, the empire was originally founded under religious warriors!. Then Janissaries were the army elite, they were made of trained men from the Balkans taken as Christian youth and converted!. The Ottomans kept pace with European technology for quite a while, but eventually Ottoman technology lost pace as European technology advanced so rapidly as well as the Islamic view of Europeans as barbarians at the time!.

5!. The communicated through a system of roads!.

6!. Yeah!.

7!. The sultan's favorite wife's son was elected the heir!. He then often killed his siblings so they couldn't kill him to take the position!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sal's answer is good, but to add:

2!. Separate non-TUrk communities were called zimmi
(Dhimmi is the Arabic term) Some think the precedent for this was in the Byzantine empire, which treated the Jews as if they were a separate zimmi!.

6!. There's a lot in the Justinian code - from the Byzantine empire - that became part of Islamic law!.

Source for both of the above:
