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Position:Home>History> I need to anaylze the ways in which supporters of slavery in the 19th cen. defen

Question: I need to anaylze the ways in which supporters of slavery in the 19th cen!. defended the institutuion ofslavery!?
how did proslaveryl forces work to justify the 19th century used legal, religious, and economic arguments to defend the institution of slavery!.(1995) i am doing an frq for ap us history!. i just need the topic so i can look it up!. I already have the proslavery arguments for religion!. just need to more for legal, and economics rguments!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, it was legal in all countries until Britain led many countries to outlaw slavery in the 1830's!. In the US, the right to own slaves was legal due to its inclusion in the United States Constitution!. It wasn't until December, 1865 that enough states passed the 13th amendment outlawing slavery throughout America!. Slavery was outlawed internationally only in the mid-20th century, but still exists in areas around the world!.

Slavery was, at the time of the writing of the USC, in the process of elimination in the USA because it was economically prohibitive(too expensive)!. However, when Eli Whitney invented the Cotton Gin, it revolutionized the cotton industry and made slavery extremely profitable!. By 1860, there were more millionaires in the agrarian southern states, then in the industrialized north!. This was the reason that the southerners believed that Britain would intervene in the Civil War to protect their source of cotton for their textile industries!. Unfortunately, they weren't very bright and did not realize that British Textile manufacturers had years of stored cotton still in their warehouses and did not need to support a belligerent whose sole basis for being was the continued use and expansion of slavery!.
