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Position:Home>History> How did Hebrew, Greece, and Rome civilizations die?

Question: How did Hebrew, Greece, and Rome civilizations die!?
what are the major factors in ending those three civilizations!?

also, where is the present american civilization on the 'civilization life trajectory'!? why!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, your question is an interesting one!. All three civilizations were guilty of overreaching beyond their boundaries and were conquered by civilizations which were previously on the peripheries!. For example: The Roman Empire was eaten away by tribes in the North (Goths, Visigoths) and unrest in Britain- all peripheral zones of contention!. The Classical Greek Empire was merged into the Hellenistic (Macedonian, Alexander the Great and all that) Empire which was later conquered by the Roman Empire!. The Roman Empire conquered many other people groups and smaller empires, but if you look at a map of historical empires chronologically, you will notice a pattern which is quite evident!. For the American Empire, it has been speculated (by Niall Ferguson and others) that overreaching leads to an inevitable contraction of Empire when contested by the outer boundaries of the Empire (such as the Persian or Assyrian Empires) They all had conflicts around their peripheral zones during the beginning of the end which eventually challenged authority in the centre!. Hope this helps!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Evangelicals and other religious groups will tell you that these civilizations failed because of revelry and debauchery, but if you read the history books, it seems to be matter of indulging in too many Wars!.

This is also what happened to the Soviet Union!. They spent so much money on a fruitless war in Afghanistan that other problems were left aside, and it brought their economic system down!.

This is what bin Laden vowed to do to the United States and he seems to have accomplished his goals!. Because of unnecessary war, corruption and constant expenditures, we have been brought to our knees, deeply in debt and struggling with a failing economy!.

We may or may not regain our status as the richest country in the world, looked up to for leadership by every country in the world!. It will take work just short of a miracle to accomplish this!. Let's all work together to make it happen!Www@QuestionHome@Com

ever heard the term "nothing last forever!." everything that starts is bound to have an end, it just depends on when!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


all three of those civilizations are still alive!!Www@QuestionHome@Com