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Position:Home>History> I think that history may have been a bit hard on Napoleon, do you agree?

Question: I think that history may have been a bit hard on Napoleon, do you agree!?
Sure he did a lot of terrible things but he also:

-invented the Metric System!.
-made every man equal!.
-separated church and state!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes and no!. I think it's wrong to make him a bad guy when they made Alexander the Great a hero!. After all he was nothing more than a conqueror and he did do some great things!. I also understand why they feel that way though!. He devastated many countries and, to them, the wounds are still too fresh!. England will never forgive him for the Battle of Waterloo!. But what I don't understand is why France celebrates him as a hero!. I'm confused because France fought hard for their independence, they beheaded the king and queen and hundreds of nobles, to be free from tyranny!. Then Napoleon comes along and sure he did a lot of great things but he declares himself an emperor!. So he returns the country back to the rule of tyranny!. I don't think he deserves a bad rep!. But I don't understand why France considers him a hero, when he undid their hard work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He actually wasn't horrible considering that he was dictator and the tend to have bad reps!. But, like every other power hungry leader in history (Hitler, Alexander the Great, Rome, etc!.) they fail!. He did some bad things but if he would have just stayed in France he would have a better rep!. I mean he came in right after the turbulent French Revolution and the bloody massacres!. To be able to get that much power, that many things done, and not get beheaded is a feat!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

he was a power hungry man which eventually led to his demise!. before waterloo, Polish generals in The Duchy of Warsaw warned him incessantly to not go but he persisted in his pride!. he was a guy who brought France to power but he could not hold it!. some history books glorify him and some make him look bad!. it is all from different peoples point of viewsWww@QuestionHome@Com

i think he was just a smart guy who saw a chance to take over europe!. it doesnt mean he was bad i think his ruling europe would have been a good thingWww@QuestionHome@Com

History has been to kind to Joseph Stalin!.Www@QuestionHome@Com