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Position:Home>History> History 8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..

Question: History 8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
we have to make political cartoons like the ones on the newspaper
we have to make our own

any ideas of what i can do

it has to be funny


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
most political cartoons are not funny they are exagerations of day to day government stupidity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Being funny is not the point of political art work typified by those that are placed on the opinion page of newspapers!. The intent is to make political points through the exaggeration of the situation and/or people!.

May I suggest that you first decide on the subject for which you wish to make a point and then read on current events relative to that subject!. This should provide ideas that represent your perspective!.

If that doesn't help, go to your local library where they have books of such art work and check out one from the past!. You will find that old subjects always return and such artwork from the past can be reapplied in todays current events!. Of course it means selecting people from today who fit such past subjects!. Www@QuestionHome@Com