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Position:Home>History> Art history True and False help 10 pts!?

Question: Art history True and False help 10 pts!!?
1) House synagogues were used for Jewish worship where a bench would line the walls for the congregation to sit on and a niche was carved out of the wall to hold the sacred Torah scrolls!.

2) Divine lineage was claimed by Augustus of Primaporta, and is referenced by the small figure of Cupid riding a dolphin near his leg in this statue!. His family claimed to be descended from the goddess Venus!.

3) Christianity had arrived in Pompeii and was widely practiced in 50 BCE due to the murals on the walls of homes showing the rite of Christian baptism by John the Baptist!.

4) The floor plan of Rome’s ancient Colosseum was actually begun as a single outdoor ampitheatre!.

5) There is an open space at the top of the rotunda of the Pantheon where both sunshine and rain enter the building and it is called the oculus!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
the 3rd verse!. ever!.Www@QuestionHome@Com