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Position:Home>History> Does anyone know how Austria's government was around 1814?

Question: Does anyone know how Austria's government was around 1814!?
This is kinda a werid question but I want to know if Austria's government was good around 1814!. Like near the post-napoleonic wars!.
Do you think it was strong enough to influence Italy!? SInce like Napoleon screwed it up and stuff! :P

was Austria strong enough to take over Italy!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Austria's government was very strong in 1814!. The people of the empire were loyal to their emperor, although the Poles were not considered loyal!. The Austrian army in 1814 had been increased to around 450,000 soldiers, a large army for the time!. The Austrians did play a large role in Italy, they directly controlled a large part of northern Italy and largely influenced Naples!. Had they chosen Austria easily could of taken Italy over although it is likely that the other countries of Europe would of intervened!.

Oh and Napoleon did not screw up Italy, he had abolished feudalism there and created a strong movement for Italian unification!.Www@QuestionHome@Com