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Position:Home>History> Present conquistadors and our minds!!!!!!!!!!?

Question: present conquistadors and our minds!!!!!!!!!!!?
how do politicians conquer our minds!? how is it possible for them to conquer our minds!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Using the term conquistador for a politician is a little odd, however, I believe I see what you mean!.

Whether a politician or any one else convincing some to accept some concept that is alien to them is a job of marketing!. Look at entertainers, they convince to accept the role they play and some go further and convince you that they are experts in non-entertainment fields!. So too with politicians!.

Politicians present an image that is one of they (the politician) is an expert in some area or at least that they have access to information that you don't!. Certainly this could be true, but often it is not true and what you actually accept is their image and not a convincing argument based on presented facts!.

They can only succeed at this when you (or anyone in the public) doesn't take the time to become informed!. Your best defense is to inform yourself on legislative action, on constitutional history, on whatever issue in which you are most interested!. Www@QuestionHome@Com