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Question: History help please!!?
Abolitionists objected to the Dred Scott decision because it!.!.!.
1!. freed enslaved people who left the South
2!. strengthened the Missouri compromise
3!. outlawed due process as called for by the Fifth Amendment
4!. meant Congress had no power to ban slavery anywhere

The Freedmen's Bureau succeeded in!.!.!.
1!. Redistributing formerly white-owned land to black southerners
2!. keeping ex-confederate supporters out of office
3!. providing clothing, medical care, food, and education to many freed people
4!. electing African Americans to southern state governments

As while southerners regained control of state governents, they began to!.!.!.
1!. reverse Reconstruction era reforms
2!. compensate former slaves
3!. Join the republican party
4!. refuse to pay war debts


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Answers here:

Dred Scott

Freedmen's Bureau

For details on how whites in the South subverted the protections of the Fourteenth Amendment and Fifteenth Amendment until the American Civil Rights movement, see

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