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Position:Home>History> How did young people react to the Nazi regime?

Question: How did young people react to the Nazi regime!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Young people were the targets of the Nazis for they would carry on Nazi principles over generations to come!.

At schools the children were learnt to pride in their Fatherland and Fuhrer, they were also taught to hate Jews and maintain their racial purity!. However, schools were not very effective in bringing these changes!.

It was the youth movements which gained widespread support from young people!. Even children in the countrysides joined the Hitler Youth!. Most of them joined for the excitement, the drills, the sports, the outdoor camp life!. Girls joined to get away from the boring duties of the home!.

But it is wrong to assume that all young people approved the Hitler Youth movement!. Infact, only 50% of the total boys joined the movement!. Groups such as the Edelweiss Pirates and the Swing movement were anti-Nazi!. They weren't political opponents of the Nazis but rather radical teenagers who hated being told what to do!. The Pirates attacked members of the Hitler Youth occasionally while the Swingers danced appaling dances to swing music!. Both of these groups were eventually put under control by the authorities!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Anything was better than the third-world shithole that post-WW1 germany was quickly becoming at the time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com