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Question: Fueling American imperialism from 1880-1914!?
i need help on the major factors on Fueling American imperialism from 1880-1914!. In the 3 categorizes political economics and cultural!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
first of all there was the issue in South America and Central America and Cuba!. All these countries were becoming independent from their European fathers!.!.!.U!.S!.A!. saw this as a chance to cling to these countries and have them on their side!. Which is why the Monroe Doctrine was implemented and even re-stated during the Independence of Cuba from Spain!. In these cases yellow-Journalism played a very important role in giving America an impulse into getting into everyone's affairs!. This was when the "Maine" the ship exploded and they blamed Spain for doing this!. Yellow Journalism fueled Americans into believing that Spain was really the bad guy!. This is how that war began!.
We also have U!.S!.A!. getting into Hawaii as they took away Hawaii from that Princess I can't remember her name!. But the fact is, U!.S!.A!. was interested in Hawaii's rich sugar cane resources!. There were a whole bunch of other issues with American workers who were already working in Hawaii!.!.!.I can't remember, I took AP American History last year!.!.!.
Well!.!.!.it's also important to note that after America had fully expanded into the West thanks to the Manifest Destiny (the belief that America was meant to expand [they stole Mexico! they murdered Indians! they murdered Buffaloes!]) now there wasn't anywhere to expand, which is why American turned towards other countries!. This was also as a result of Europe which turned towards their colonies trying to get them into debt, so Europe said that if their colonies didn't pay the money they owed them, they would take over the colonies!.!.!.America presented themselves as the police force and said: "don't worry man, we'll take care of your colonies, if they misbehave, we'll take care of them!. Don't worry about it!.!.!." and this was when the Monroe Doctrine became known as the Roosevelt Corollary
(President Roosevelt was sort of imperialist!. He was really interested in the resources of Panama, which is why he took the Panama Canal away from Colombia!. Panama wanted to have control over the Panama Canal, so America helped Panama, but this is bad, because in reality Roosevelt was using this strategy to take over the Panama Canal rather than help Panama be independent and have independent control over the Panama Canal [America was interested in $, revenue from the Panama Canal)!.
Here is a picture of Roosevelt and his "speak softly and carry a big stick" policy:
There is another political cartoon called: "Uncle Sam Gets Cocky", it's Uncle Sam as a **** presiding over the little chickens (Brazil, Chile, Bolivia--South America--all shackled in a hut with the name "Monroe Doctrine)!.
also, there were some issues in China and that's why America had the Open Door policy since America wanted, I think, to have control over some territory which was disputed between China and Japan!.
America also had issues with the Phillipines since Phillipines was Spanish too!. So, when they got into the war in Cuba, they went along in the Phillipines!. America told Aguinaldo (I think he was a general leading the rebels against Spain [he knew the territory very well so it would help U!.S!.A!.]) that they would help him against Spain, so America did, but in the end when Aguinaldo won, America took over the Phillipines and didn't grant them their freedom until some years later!. also the same thing happened with Cuba (which is why America has Guantanamo Bay as their territory)!.
With the outbreak of WWI, these were basically issues where America didn't wanted Europe to be so strong, although there were some issues with Germany which is why president Wilson passed his 14 points and the Treaty of Versailles by the League of Nations (trying to have Germany as weak as possible as they could)!.
Well this is all I can say, I am not sure if it helps much, but I did all I could remember!. :)


Teddy Roosevelt and his ideas about America being a world power!. We took the Philippines and Hawaii as refueling stops for the navy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com