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Question: Information on han china please!?
what is some evidence that shows that there were social classes in han china!? howdo historians and archeologist know!?

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China's historical libraries are vast, wit documents going as far back as the Qin dynasty in fact, boy how do I explain this;

Say you had some guy write a scroll right!? As scrolls were used in ancient times!. Writting scrolls was the property of highly trained scholars/caligraphers, and because they were very time conscious regarding the impermanence of things because of Daoist philosophy, scrolls were often copied every 50 years or so!. However not everything of ancient times survived; the King of of Qin burned vast amounts of scrolls on his ascent to power, anything he thought subversive!. There are even rumors that the King of Qin burned any evidence of the existence of the Yellow emperor, a subject of controversy among both Chinese and westerners because, if ever proven, it could show that China is as old as Egypt!.

Whatever the case, copies, of copies, of copies of ancient texts were handed down in China, generation after generation, and often times this is the case in Chinese libraries;

Say you have some scholar write something in the year 600 B!.C!. However, even though the scroll archeologists find say that the original was written in 600 B!.C!., the text also says, that it is a copy of the original, copied in the year 11000 A!.D!. To preserve the knowledge and or history, the archeologists transfer the knowledge to modern book form, and of course translate it to modern Mandarin!. Thus, ancient works in China are preserved in whatever old scrolls may be found, often in specialized museums where few people are allowed to view them, and in libraries in modern book form!.

Because China is an old civilization, tens of thousands of scrolls have been found all over the place!. Literally, tens of thousands, and archeologists contend that millions more remained buried in fact, it is damn well near impossible to ever learn all the knowledge gathered by China in the past 4,000 years!. This is just from the things discovered so far; it used to be thought that the ancient Chinese never figured out Eucledian geometry but then an archeological dig in 2004 revealed a mathematical work predating Euclid's!. Next thing they unearth in China might be the plans for a laptop computer written in 1200 A!.D!. its ridiculous!

You are asking about evidence, man, if anything there is way too freakin' much evidence!. China and Egypt are heavily studied by archeologists because they are the two most information rich ancient cultures in the world, with China, being the most heavily documented one!. You must understand that because China is a long running culture, it has always had scholars and educated people, try to imagine, the volumes of books the U!.S!. would have if it ever lived as long as China, 4,000 years from now!. Imagine what the library of congress will look like 4,000 years from today!. Just try to imagine!.

If you want a place to look, I would suggest any University or college library!. I attended a college, then transfered briefly to a "christian" university, for summer school I went to tow universities, and while at the "christian" school, I happened to visit the library of Boise State University, so, all total I have visited 5 college level libraries!. I have skimmed through roughly 700 books, and read, all total, about 200, although I don't remember everything!. Well read does not equal smart you know!.!.!.!.

So anyway, in all 5 college level libraries, the sheer amount of information on China, is to the say the least, mind boggling; the sections are often labyrinthine!.

Chinese historian at Beijing University; hands down, the WORST job in the world, never met one, but I can guarantee it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com