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Position:Home>History> Need Help with a Test Review for World History 2.. Age of Exploration by 1500

Question: Need Help with a Test Review for World History 2!.!. Age of Exploration by 1500's!?
Need answers to these questions!.!.

The 3 European nations that competed for the Indian Ocean trade were___1___!. They established __2____ on the coasts of India and traded goods like ____3___!. As a result of this trade,____4_____ became important to the Euro countries like England !.

____5___ paid for the exploration of the coast of Africa

The Ottoman Empire began in ___6___

The Spanish established a pattern of __7__ in Latin America and established a rigid ___8___

In Africa, Europeans established trading colony's on the coast!. The Africans supplied ___9___!. This lead to the growth of ___10__!.

In Asia, merchants established footholds in ___11__ !. Trading companies like the British __12__ and the Dutch __13__ were granted monopolies!.

Spain built a huge empire in __14__!. An example of an English colony was ___15__ while France established ___16__!.

___17__ landed in Mexico and defeated the ___18__!. The Spanish destroyed the __19__ and the __20__ Empires!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. Spain, Portugal, (Dutch!?)
2!. trading posts (Cameras)
3!. salt, sugar, slaves, gold
4!. multiple answers (maybe tea)
5!. Portugal
6!. look it up
7!. colonies
8!. government
9!. slaves
10!. the slave trade
11!. India
12 13 East India Company
14!. South America
15!. Jamestown
16!. Lousiana
17!. Cortes (!?)
18!. Incas (!?)
19 20 Inca and Myan

Tip for the future!. Lets not make it blatantly obvious that I am doing your work for you, shall we!? Though I do commend you for typing all of these questions on YA!.