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Question: US History Help !?! EZ ten points!?
Well, for US History I have to explain the story of the National Anthem!. But, my question is how should I explain it exactly!. Does anyone have any ideas!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Our National Anthem is played at many public functions and serves to unit us, through song, with a pride for our country and a unity as a people!. We stand and place our hands over our hearts to show allegiance to our country and a reverence to those who have fought for our freedoms!. It was written by Francis Scott Key during a fierce battle during the War of l812!. He was so relieved when he saw our flag was still flying, we hadn't been defeated, that he penciled the words to describe his overwhelming feelings!. Later it was put to music, an English drinking song melody I believe!. For more information, see the sites below!. For this American, when I hear our National Anthem and see everyone stand from children to the elderly, it is a unifying moment that often brings tears!. Pretty nice really, makes you feel like we're all in this together!.

It was September, 1814!. Dr!. William Beanes was held captive on the British ship Tonnant, accused of unfriendly acts toward British soldiers!. People in nearby Georgetown were frantic!. They were sure the British would hang the old man!. The townspeople needed a lawyer to negotiate with the British!. They called on a respected local lawyer with a thriving law practice: Francis Scott Key!.

At the time, Key had successfully argued several cases before the United States Supreme Court!. He was a good lawyer who knew when he needed expert help!. Recognizing he needed help to negotiate with the British, Key asked a well-known negotiator, Col!. John Skinner, to work with him!. They went to Baltimore to plead for old Doc Beanes

As it happened, Francis Scott Key couldn’t have picked a worse time to negotiate the doctor’s freedom!. The British military were planning their attack on Baltimore!. Once aboard ship, Key and his colleague overheard too many details about the impending attack on Baltimore and the fort that guarded its harbor: Ft!. McHenry!. Even though Dr!. Beanes had been released, all three men were detained aboard a British ship!. The British military could not risk intelligence leaks!.

Major George Armistead, commander of Ft!. McHenry, figured the British would attack Baltimore!. Since his fort guarded Baltimore’s harbor, McHenry would be attacked too!.
Armistead wanted a flag the British would be sure to see!. A Baltimore flag maker, Mary Young Pickersgill, was selected to make two flags!. With the help of her 13-year-old daughter (Caroline Purdy) and two nieces, Pickersgill used English woolen bunting for the stripes and cotton for the stars!.
The larger flag was so huge (about half the size of a basketball court) that Mary had to use the floor of a nearby brewery just to lay it flat!. Today that large flag is owned by the Smithsonian Institute!. She also made a smaller flag!. Its whereabouts are unknown!.

As Francis Scott Key and his two companions were detained on the British ship, the large flag flew over Ft!. McHenry!. Mary Pickersgill had made a sturdy flag!. It would soon be put to the ultimate test!.

The attack on Baltimore and Fort McHenry began on September 13th!. Aboard the British ship, Key watched the battle!. The British were using a new type of military bombshell that exploded into deadly fragments!. Traveling 2? miles, those "rockets" produced red streaks in the night sky!.

At dawn’s first light, Francis Scott Key saw the huge flag!. It was still flying over Ft!. McHenry!. Baltimore was safe!.
Francis Scott Key, the lawyer, was also an amateur poet!. He was so overwhelmed by what he had seen during the battle, and so relieved by what he had seen at first light, he wrote down some words on the back of a letter he had in his pocket!.


it was written by francis scott keys, so you could write about the battle that was taking place, what he was doing, and how it inspired the national anthem!. you could also write about if any parts of the battle are in the song (ex!. the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air)!. hope that helped!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You should explain what was happening during this time period, and how did the writer came up with it!. also you should tell why this is the National anthemWww@QuestionHome@Com