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Position:Home>History> How were East Berlin/West Berlin while the Berlin Wall was up different?

Question: How were East Berlin/West Berlin while the Berlin Wall was up different!?
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West Berlin was an occupied city, meaning that the Allied powers each had a section assigned to them!. We protected the westerners from communist rule that was imposed on East Berlin by the Soviet Union!.

West Berlin became like West Germany in that technology kept up with the times and was mainly a capitalist endeavor!. East Germany under Soviet rule was communist!.

As far as web sites, it's easy enough to do a search, but a Yahoo group you may want to look into is "Berlin Brigade Wall Watchers" There are many people in this group that not only were military, but also civilian, during the whole time the wall was up to the present date!.

I was stationed in Berlin both when the wall was up, and during the time it fell!. I got a chance to drive into East Berlin and it was like travelling back in time to the 1950's!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In 1945, after World War II, Germany was divided by the victors into two countries!. East Germany was controlled by the communist regime of the Soviet Union!. West Germany was a democracy supported by the U!.S!. The former capital city of Berlin, although it was entirely within East German borders, was also partitioned in two!. In 1961, the East Germans erected a 103-mile barrier to separate East Berlin from West Berlin!. The Berlin Wall blocked free access in both directions for twenty-eight years!. In November 1989, the Wall was opened, and East German citizens could once again travel without restriction to the West!. So basically east Berlin was a communist city and west Berlin was a democracy!.

First off East Berliners lived under quite different conditions than West Berliners!. Forget the Berlin, lets just use East Germany!. I'll take you through the Academics, in the Uni (University) many many books were banned, because the government did not want subversive, rebellious ideas getting out into the hands of the people, i!.e!. the educated!. Even Nietzsche was banned, George Orwell's 1984 was banned from the country until the fall of the wall!. If you wanted a cop you had to smuggle it from somewhere, and keep it hidden for fear of it being found!.

The Universities had had secret rooms that videotaped professors!. These rooms were not discovered until after the fall of the Wall!.

If you wanted certain books you had to sign them out, be led to a small room where you were watched as you read for the time that you were allocated the book!.
