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Position:Home>History> Was the U.S Declaration of Independence inspired by a lie?

Question: Was the U!.S Declaration of Independence inspired by a lie!?
The U!.S Declaration of Independence states,

When in the Course of human Events, it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the Earth, the separate and equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the Separation!.

This took action on july 4 , 1776 but wasn't there still slavery of human beings until the 1860s!? This was only a statement to gather more troops to fight against the British army, excluding almost every person of color to join the war( only able to fight in extreme circumstances) because the dominant group knew that when victory arrived, people of color would demand freedom!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You are talking about the evolution of the human behavior!. There were times when invading another group and raping, pillaging, enslavement and killing were the normal!. How do you get from there to where we are now!?

There is no switch to go from bad to good!. Over time, as more people start to see what they do is wrong, things change!. Change comes with education!. In the future we will be even better if we continue to fight for our rights!.

Change comes from a desire to do better and have a better peaceful life!. But today we live in a false sense of security!. There are people out there that would like to kill or enslave us!. Look at how many months you work for the government (to pay taxes) each year!.and they want more!. Eventually that becomes socialism!. But the socialism will have the elites that deserve more than you because of their importance!. (Under capitalism, you have the choice to make something of yourself)

Eventually the people start to see how they are being abused by their leaders and revolt!. Luckily America provided an escape for them!. They came here, declared their independence and wrote a constitution!. This was done at the risk of being killed for the actions, but they fought, many died and they won their freedom!. I suspect many were against slavery, but you have to convince the majority of the population to stand up!. These people said all men are created equal!. The framework was set!. Then as hearts and minds were changed, and the rights were properly applied!.

You have the advantage of living in a world of relatively cheap worldwide communications!. Just 15 years ago this was not possible for everyone!. You live in a world where your freedom of speech allows you to exchange your point of view and share your ideas!.


No it was not inspired by a lie back then!. Yet today it would be viewed as a lie!. Back then, slavery was acceptable world-wide and had been for many thousands of years!. All races and all peoples practiced slavery!. That did not make it right by any means, but back then, slaves were viewed as property like a horse or later in life, like a machine (automobile)!.

It was not till Lincoln's time that people became more enlightened and saw people of all colors as equal!. It still took many years before women were granted the same rights as men!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think the founding fathers never had anyone in mind but affulent white men when they wrote this!. If they had known it was going to be used to further the freedoms of African Americans and women they would have been surprised!.
Regardless of their intentions, this document has inspired the liberty and freedom of many!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are mistaken sir!.
The first paragraph talks about political bonds uniting the colonies as colonies with the British crown!. It says nothing about personal slavery!.
Your question is irrelevant!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To answer this question you have to turn your mind back and look at things the way they were viewed back then!.Back then slavery was TOTALLY acceptable and normal!. Just because its not today doesent mean anything!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was conceived in debt, and born in re-organization!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Becca has it right!. It was considered that blacks were not fully human!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No it was not, but you still raise some good points!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You're overstating things, actually!.

First, the passage you quote has nothing whatsoever to do with the institution of slaver, and in fact could be seen (in the "separate and equal stations) phrase to be condoning it!.

Secondly, Jefferson did write, originally, a condemnation of slavery as a part of the Declaration, but it was taken out because it was, clearly, hypocritical!.

Thirdly, nearly 5,000 African Americans fought for the Patriot forces during the war!.

The Declaration wasn't merely about recruiting more troops!. It was about a change in the goals of the war!. Previously, Rebels had drawn a distinction between fighting against the corrupt Ministries of Great Britain and fighting against the King!. The goal, officially, had always been to force Great Britain to back down and restore things to the way they had been before the end of the Seven Years War, and the Americans would be happy Colonial Subjects again!. The Declaration changed that entirely, arguing that no rapprochement could be made and that independence was the only course left!. The D of I did, of course, raise the question of how one could proclaim that all men were created equal, and yet the people holding that view could still hold slaves, but it's worth noting that Britain still held slaves, too, throughout its colonies, and that the rights of slaves to be free would be argued in Britain for many years to come, as well!.

No, the D of I wasn't based on a lie!. It was a proclimation of a major shift in goals and strategy, and to be cynical, was aimed more at garnering French alliance than at slavery!.Www@QuestionHome@Com