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Question: History Lovers!.!.!.Please Help!! 10 Points :)!?
Hey!! Can you guys please give me a good summary of the Clergymen's letter to MLK!?


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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
As far as I can interpret, this letter is a polite invitation for Martin Luther King to keep his nose out of other people's business!. It seems to be calling upon the disbanding of a national civil rights movement in favour of local dealings with each problem as it surfaces!. It is hiding its intention by imploring King to rely upon the slow, but morale high ground of the courts, which had been successful for the CRM only with national media attention or, in one particular case, intervention of the President himself!. LBJ kept a promise that Kennedy had made (regarding schooling I think) - but that didn't actually change anything!.

By keeping the movement local, you can control it!. The local population could never muster the nerve, energy or media coverage of a national movement with a contingent of travelling protesters!.

Basically this letter goes against the very morals and values that the signatories would proclaim they uphold!. It is calling for MLK to stop what he is doing and maintain the oppression of African Americans!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's basically saying that the racial divide needs to be remedied in a proper way eg through justice and democracy!. It's also pleading for the divide to be mended peacefully or else things will never change:
"We do not believe that these days of new hope are days when extreme measures are justified in Birmingham!."Www@QuestionHome@Com