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Position:Home>History> Do u think germany would have won the world war if they held on 15 years before

Question: Do u think germany would have won the world war if they held on 15 years before attacking!?
germany was already the greatest country on earth b4 ww1 but if they held on and waited 15 years maybe they would have won ww1!. the only problems i can see is britain having such a massive navy they couldn't take over the world but europe defiantly what do you think!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Actually, no!. First, they were not the greatest country before WW 1!. That was one of the causes of that war!. they wanted to be number one, and were trying to expand a German Empire!. Britain, who would probably be rated number one then, wasn't keen on the competition!. After world war one Germany was in the pits!.
The other thing is, while German productivity was high, the productivity of the French, English, Americans, and Soviets were also increasing!. The longer Germany waited, the less of an advantage it would have enjoyed!. Add to that the difference in manpower, and Germany couldn't afford to wait 5 years, much less 15 years, if they wanted to expand eastwards!. So, while the war was wrong, there at least was a logical reason for starting it when Hitler/Germany did!. They had hoped to use their advantages while they still had it, and bring the war to an end before that advantage shifted!. They failed to win the war quickly, and that doomed them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Germany was afraid of the growing power of Russia; this was one of the major reasons that they decided to go to war!. They probably would have had a smaller chance of success if they had waited!.

BTW, there is a big difference between winning WWI and taking over the world!. Though you are right that the British Navy helped contain German aggression (in both world wars)!.

And lastly, there is really no way to know what would have happened if Germany had not entered the war when they did!. Without WWI, the world would be a very different place; technologically, philosophically, etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I doubt it!. Germany was behind Great Britain in the naval race!. Russia was modernizing and expanding!. If they had held off they would have had to break their alliance with Austria-Hungary!. The British Empire was steadily expanding!. If they had held off they would probably have changed world history!. For example Russia might never have become Communist!. But Germany itself, while stronger, would still have been inferior in force and still lost!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

if they had decided to wait before starting an offincsinve in world war I it would not have done them any good!.
!. World war I started after Archduke Franz Ferdinand was shot in Sarajevo by a Serbian nationalist- which resulted in Hungary threatening to invade- which resulted in Russia going to war to protect Serbia which resulted in Germany and Turkey going to war to help Hungary -their allied central powers which resulted in England and France going to war to support Russia who were allied as the Triple Entente !. World war I would have been over a lot sooner if the Germans had not entered but all 3 Triple Entente nations had fought together- the Hungarians and Ottoman empires would have been defeated- a lot quicker and germany would have been standing alone against the 2 greatist powers in the world!.- Not a good idea so it would have been sucude for them to invade any one of the blue- in 1929 since the first world war would have been long since over!.-!. The other alternitive would have resulted in the French and English invading Germany which would have resulted in basicly the same war- only the trenches would have been in Germany instead of France
Now as for world war II- the question would come down to research If Germany had nuclear armed ICBMs they would have stood a chance- especially if they had a monopoly- they also might have stood a chance if they were the only nation with missile armed jet fighters!. Germany lost due to getting overwhelmed by Superior allied numbers- and a bad overall strategy!.- mainly attacking the Russians instead of building up for operation sea lion, and a lack of longrange strategic air power!.Www@QuestionHome@Com