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Position:Home>History> Why Was The Stamp Act 'Insulting' To Colonists?? Please Help!?

Question: Why Was The Stamp Act 'Insulting' To Colonists!?!? Please Help!!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
the stamp act put a tax on all papers and everything written!. that means that the people no longer had the right to buy paper from american colonist forcing them to buy paper at a higher price from the english!. they thought this was "insulting" because the english took jobs away from them and kept on raising tarrifs and passing acts like this one until eventually colonists rose against them and became the united states of america!. i beleive that there was also a tea act, and some others!.

you should thank Mr!. Feely for this info, because he was my history teacher and thanks to him i actually remember this stuff!. he was the best teacher ever and i am sad that he retired!. never use the wored awesome unless you are reffering to God/ Jesus!. that is another thing he taught us!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because Parliament imposed taxes on the Colonists without allowing the Colonists' representation in Parliament!. They were British citizens and should have been allowed representation in that body!. Www@QuestionHome@Com