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Position:Home>History> Was ROME Pushed ????????@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

Question: Was ROME Pushed !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@!?

Did plagues reduce the population to the point it could not sustain itself!?
Did civil wars lessen the strength of the empire and weaken the population!?
Did the army lose its discipline and thus endanger the empire and cause it to be overrun!?
Did the citizens of Rome become too satisfied and lazy, allowing the empire to crumble due to neglect!?
Did the empire bureaucracy become too top heavy, eventually causing the empire to collapse upon itself!?
Did God turn His favor away from Rome due to its sinful nature!?
Did it fall as the result of barbarian invasions!?
Did the empire spend too much of its resources on the poor, thus drawing away precious funds from the empire!?
Was the Roman Empire just too big, making a collapse inevitable!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1) Plagues probably helped finish off the western empire, but I wouldn't rate them as a top 5 reason for the fall of the empire!.
2) Some!. Civil wars drew troops away from the frontiers, and winning generals had to draw taxes from the population to pay off their troops!.So more yes than no!.
3) The loss of discipline to the Roman army(again western empire) occurred late in the fall of Rome!. It was largely caused by the sheer influx of foreign/barbarian troops to fill the legions that Roman citizens would not do!. So I'd say no!.
4) Definitely an issue!. Originally Roman soldiers paid for their own equipment!. During the days of the Republic this was modified and the State paid for the equipment needed by soldiers!. This allowed poor Roman citizens to serve, and earn a chance to earn their own farms in retirement!. As time went on and the poorer citizens became more reliant on public handouts, there was less incentive or desire on the part of this group of citizens to serve in the military!. This would lead to the increasing use of non Romans in the armies, and definitely played a part in Rome's downfall!.
5) Bureaucracy was an issue, but they are a vital part of any civilization or empire!. While it did get topheavy, I wouldn't rate it as a major cause of the fall!. It was more like one of many leeches on the body of the Empire, sucking a little life from it, but by itself not enough to kill the Empire by itself!.
6) Which gods!? if you mean the Roman gods, then they must have!. The fall of Rome roughly correlates to the rise of Christianity in the Empire, though the Eastern Empire would go on for some time!. And this is basically an unprovable cause anyways, so the answer is no!.
7) Yes!. Again, western empire!. Between population reductions in the west(and a lesser degree in the eastern empire) and the increasing pressures by the barbarian tribes from the east, Rome found itself fighting a battle against high odds!. The attempts to absorb some of the tribes failed when Roman arrogance and poor treatment of tribes let inside the Empire's borders caused them to revolt and help tear down the empire!. Throughout its history, Rome had fought or resisted barbarian pressures on their borders!. Eventually, they fell o it!.
8) Possibly yes!. the problem with the spending they did on the poor, was that it was simply a buyout/bribery system!. The poor that were being assisted provided nothing to the Empire in terms of service or production!. They were basically a huge weight around the neck of the Empire!. As time went on this class grew larger, and not only the Empire as such, but rich politicians would spend ridiculous amounts of money to appease, placate, and amuse the poor citizens!.
9) No!. While at the time of Trajan the empire was stretched too thin, there was some drawing back from those borders to more managable levels!. With the split of the eastern and western empires, you had two Roman empires, each of a size that should have been managable!. The west fell because of other issues, not because of its size!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

no and the population stayed the same
yes that was one reason it fell
no it spent most of its money on the military to defend Rome
yes that was another reason it felled

rome collapsed because the barbarian attacks and they invaded part of rome!. Since rome was too big to control they decided to split it into two parts but the eastern part lasted longer since it was easier to protect because it is between two seas!.Www@QuestionHome@Com