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Position:Home>History> Do any of you know who Nikolai Bukharin is and why he was against Stalin and &qu

Question: Do any of you know who Nikolai Bukharin is and why he was against Stalin and "Stalinism"!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Bukharin was an old Bolshevik!.
He had little to do with the revolution, but afterwards he became editor of Pravda (the Communist party newspaper)!. He proposed the idea of continuing WWI as a Proletarian war, liberating the oppressed workers of the Central Powers - the groupings who proposed this were known as the Left Communists!.

After Lenin died he became a member of the politburo and president of the Comintern!. When the politburo was discussing whether to replace NEP - and with what, he Kamenev and Zinoviev proposed extending the basis of NEP to allow the peasantry to become prosperous - allowing the state to then tax them and help fund the Industrialisation drive - the Right Deviation as Stalin called it!.
Stalin saw this stance as a way to remove him and his supporters from power - and ultimately to eliminate them!.

It wasn't so much that he was against Stalin & Stalinism - Stalin was against him and anyone who was a potential threat to his power!. Bukharin was widely liked and his role as head of the Comintern made him popular abroad - a fatal combination!.