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Position:Home>History> How many times has Spain been conquered and by how many different empires?

Question: How many times has Spain been conquered and by how many different empires!?
Has Spain ever been conquered by other people or has it always been spanish!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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Spain as it is today, has been conquered many times!.

Spain has been under the Roman Empire, the Islamic Empire and Napoleon!.

Each of these invasions were considerably lengthy!. I think Islamic Spain lasted some 900 or 800 years!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

There was no formal Islamic empire, but the Moors did invade and rule much of but not all of Spain and they were of the Islamic faith!.

Spain is a key country when it comes to studying the human prehistory of Europe!. After a long and hard conquest Hispania became one of the Roman Empire's most important regions!. During the early Middle Ages it came under Germanic rule!. Later it was conquered by Muslim invaders!. Through a very long and fitful process, the Christian kingdoms in the north gradually rolled back Muslim rule, finally extinguishing its last remnant in Granada in 1492!. The same year Columbus reached the Americas; a global empire began!. Spain became the strongest kingdom in Europe and the leading world power during the 16th century and first half of the 17th century; but continued wars and other problems eventually led to a diminished status!. The French invasion of Spain in the early 19th century led to chaos; triggering independence movements that tore apart most of the empire and left the country politically unstable!. In the 20th century it suffered a devastating civil war and came under the rule of an authoritarian government, leading to years of stagnation, but finishing in an impressive economic surge!. Democracy was restored in 1978 in the form of a parliamentry constitutional monarchy!. In 1986, Spain joined the European Union; experiencing a cultural renaissance and steady economic growth!.

Because of its location, Spain has been subject to many external influences, often simultaneously, since prehistoric times!. At times the country itself has been an important source of influence to other regions!. Archaeological and genetic evidence strongly suggests that the Iberian Peninsula acted as one of three major refugia from which northern Europe was repopulated following the end of the last ice age!. It has also played an important part in Europe and even the world at certain historic times; in the latter case when it was the seat of a global empire that has left a legacy of 400 million Spanish speakers today!. The combination of external influences with the interactions of the culturally and politically differentiated regions of the rugged peninsula has produced a dramatic history, typified by alternating periods of unity and disunity under very different regimes!.


Spain has been conquered by settlers called Berbers, Arabs and moslems!. They also have been conquered by the Romans thus influencing the nations government!. Palestine's has also conquered Spain!. Check out the re-conquesta of the Central American Studies, it will help youWww@QuestionHome@Com

Half a dozen or maybe 6 times!. I get those 2 confusedWww@QuestionHome@Com