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Position:Home>History> What was a "myster cult' in the Hellenistic Age?

Question: What was a "myster cult' in the Hellenistic Age!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The term "Mystery Cult" is a loosely defined religious grouping of those who seek to find meaning in their life-religion-cosmology during the period of Hellenism (a kind of worldwide Greek-Roman commerce and technology-empire that began with Alexander the Great and ended about the time of the fall of Rome: 410 C!.E!.) - - there were diverse and sometimes syncretistic systems of belief and practice wherein the Cult adherents would honor a god of often foreign origins (Isis, Mithras, Orpheus, Demeter among many female and male deities or divinized beings) with a kind of complex worship and prayer that required an ascetic initiation after which the adherent was granted full access to the cult knowledge!.

One who was to be admitted into the cult was called a "mystes" - -
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