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Position:Home>History> Why did the british governtment raise taxes in the american colonies?

Question: Why did the british governtment raise taxes in the american colonies!?
i need help to start my ap english class essay due today!! please!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

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Technically, they didn't!. They were actually lowered!. But what got up the noses of the colonists was this time Britain enforced their collection rather than ignoring the lackadaisical approach to contributing to the defence of the colonies that had gone before and made the majority of those who would later cry "Tyranny!" very wealthy men!.

Part of the myth behind American independence is that of economic burdens placed on it by the British government!. On closer inspection it's more a story of taxes repealed, not taxes imposed!. In 1765 Parliament passed the Stamp Act, which meant everything from newspapers to playing cards had to be printed on specially stamped - and hence taxed - paper!. The projected revenue was not huge (roughly £110,000) and nearly half of it coming from the West Indies!. It was a tax that was lower than all before but it proved so unpopular because the colonists couldn't dodge it the minister who introduced it, George Grenville, was forced to resign and it was scrapped by March the next year!. So Parliament accepted that they would tax only external trade not internal transactions!.
Two years later they introduced a series of custom duties and in the hope of sweetening the pill the duty on the most popular of colonists consumption, tea, was cut from one shilling to threepence per pound!. But this only infuriated the likes of Samuel Adams who had made a fortune from tax-dodging and smuggling tea because it saw his profits tumble as it was now cheaper to buy it leagally than from illegal imports!.
The Boston Tea Party was organized not by irate consumers but by these wealthy smugglers!. Contemporaries were well aware of the absurdity of the ostensible reason for the protest as one sceptic wrote " Will not posterity be amazed when they are told that the present distraction took it's rise from the parliament's taking off a shilling duty on a pound of tea, and imposing three pence, and call it a more unaccountable phrenzy, and more disgraceful to the annals of America, than that of the witchcraft!?"

Rather than learn the myth, have a closer inspection of what the British did in actuality and the real reasons for the reaction of the colonists!.

Britain fell heavily into debt during the Seven Years War (1756 to 1763)!. They needed revenue to pay for this and figured the Colonies should pay their share!.
There was in fact a certain amount of justice in this since the combined armies of British and Continentals drove the French out of North America!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

the taxes went to the british soldiers defending the colonies, like the ones on the frontier by the appalaician mts!. Www@QuestionHome@Com