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Position:Home>History> Was greece split up into city states at the same time as all the mythological st

Question: Was greece split up into city states at the same time as all the mythological stuff was goin on!?
i really dont alot about greek history (havent learned anythinng since 6th grade) and i need to know for a paperWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
No!. Pre-Classical Greece has a few important stages:
Bronze Age c!. 1600-1000
Dark Age 1000-800
Archaic Period 800-500
Classical Period c!.450-323
The Bronze Age was extremely prosperous!. There were large palaces controlled by divine kings who ruled large areas!. Around 1100-1000 BC, these palaces fell and we don't have much information for a few hundred years, which is the Dark Age!. When Greece emerges from this Dark Age, city states begin to form, and the Greeks look back on the Bronze Age as the time of heroes!. Homer, one of the earliest authors, who writes c!. 800-750, describes the Trojan war, which took place around 1200, in a mythological fashion!. It is likely that Archaic Greeks, who were just beginning to live in city-states, were looking back to the Bronze Age when there was much more wealth, and describing it using Mythology!.Www@QuestionHome@Com