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Position:Home>History> Does anyone know what trade Britain had with Germany before, after and during Wo

Question: Does anyone know what trade Britain had with Germany before, after and during World War 1!?
Does anyone know what Britain needed from Germany in the war years!? Was it just sausages or was there any specific things that they traded regularly on!?!!? Could anyone help me!!! Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There really wasn't anything England needed from Germany, they couldn't get elsewhere!. It was mainly certain coal products, and by products like dye, Britain could get cheaper from Germany!. Sort of like today in the U!.S!. We have enough domestic oil, or could get elsewhere than from the Middle East!. But we would pay considerably more to do it!.

The main friction between Britain-Germany, the U!.S!.-Japan, was trade wars!. The nations competed to sell natural resources, raw materials finished goods on the world market!. Those trade wars resulted in embargoes, and attacks on shipping lanes, threatening potential buyers of those supplies, and ultimately, war!. Www@QuestionHome@Com